Getting started

To help you get started with the IFT6266 class projects, we’ll provide a snippets of code to read and process the datasets that you are asked to work with.

Dogs vs. Cats

The Dogs vs. Cats dataset was originally part of a Kaggle competition. The competition page and forums will have more details on the dataset and approaches that people have tried. Also have a look at the leaderboard from last year’s class.

Fuel is a data-processing framework for machine learning that helps you download, read and process data for the training of machine learning algorithms. Fuel contains a wrapper for the Dogs vs. Cats dataset. To get started with it, begin by following the installation instructions. Afterwards, follow the instructions for downloading a built-in dataset but use dogs_vs_cats instead of mnist. This will download the Dogs vs. Cats dataset for you and convert the JPEG images into a numerical HDF5 file (which can easily be viewed as NumPy arrays). The following commands should get you started:

cd $HOME
mkdir fuel_data  # Create a directory in which Fuel can store its data
echo "data_path: \"$HOME/fuel_data\"" > ~/.fuelrc  # Create the Fuel configuration file
cd fuel_data  # Go to the data directory
fuel-download dogs_vs_cats  # Download the original dataset into the current directory
fuel-convert dogs_vs_cats  # Convert the raw images into an HDF5 (numerical) dataset

Fuel was written to deal with out-of-memory datasets, streaming data, parallel on-the-fly preprocessing of data, etc. in mind, so take some time to read the overview in order to understand the basic terminology. As a quick pointer, consider the following example:

# Let's load and process the dataset
from fuel.datasets.dogs_vs_cats import DogsVsCats
from fuel.streams import DataStream
from fuel.schemes import ShuffledScheme
from fuel.transformers.image import RandomFixedSizeCrop
from fuel.transformers import Flatten

# Load the training set
train = DogsVsCats(('train',), subset=slice(0, 20000))

# We now create a "stream" over the dataset which will return shuffled batches
# of size 128. Using the DataStream.default_stream constructor will turn our
# 8-bit images into floating-point decimals in [0, 1].
stream = DataStream.default_stream(
    iteration_scheme=ShuffledScheme(train.num_examples, 128)

# Our images are of different sizes, so we'll use a Fuel transformer
# to take random crops of size (32 x 32) from each image
cropped_stream = RandomFixedSizeCrop(
    stream, (32, 32), which_sources=('image_features',))

# We'll use a simple MLP, so we need to flatten the images
# from (channel, width, height) to simply (features,)
flattened_stream = Flatten(
    cropped_stream, which_sources=('image_features',))

Note that the Dogs vs. Cats dataset only has a training set and a test set; you’ll need to create your own validation set! This is why we selected a subset of 20,000 images of the 25,000 as our training set.

You’ll need to extend this example a bit for it to work well; 32 x 32 crops are too small, but some of the images aren’t any bigger. To deal with this you’ll need to upscale the smaller images (see e.g. fuel.transformers.image.MinimumImageDimensions), but you might also want to downscale the bigger ones.

You can download the original datasets from Kaggle or from here: train, test.

Quick example with Blocks

Blocks is a framework for training neural networks that is used a lot at MILA. It helps you build neural network models, apply optimization algorithms, monitor validation sets, plot your results, serialize your models, etc.

Blocks is a framework made for research, and isn’t as plug-and-play as some other frameworks (e.g. Keras). As such, we don’t expect you to use it. However, some parts such as the optimization algorithms and monitoring can save you some time. Have a look at Blocks’ introduction tutorial to get you started and consider the following example which shows you how to optimize a Theano expression of a cost using Blocks.

# Create the Theano MLP
import theano
from theano import tensor
import numpy

X = tensor.matrix('image_features')
T = tensor.lmatrix('targets')

W = theano.shared(
    numpy.random.uniform(low=-0.01, high=0.01, size=(3072, 500)), 'W')
b = theano.shared(numpy.zeros(500))
V = theano.shared(
    numpy.random.uniform(low=-0.01, high=0.01, size=(500, 2)), 'V')
c = theano.shared(numpy.zeros(2))
params = [W, b, V, c]

H = tensor.nnet.sigmoid(, W) + b)
Y = tensor.nnet.softmax(, V) + c)

loss = tensor.nnet.categorical_crossentropy(Y, T.flatten()).mean()

# Use Blocks to train this network
from blocks.algorithms import GradientDescent, Scale
from blocks.extensions import Printing
from blocks.extensions.monitoring import TrainingDataMonitoring
from blocks.main_loop import MainLoop

algorithm = GradientDescent(cost=loss, parameters=params,

# We want to monitor the cost as we train = 'loss'
extensions = [TrainingDataMonitoring([loss], every_n_batches=1),

main_loop = MainLoop(data_stream=flattened_stream, algorithm=algorithm,

First things to try

  • You’ll want to use convolutional nets.
  • There is currently no transformer in Fuel that resizes images to a fixed size (i.e. make sure that the shortest size is N pixels). This might be a good idea to implement.
  • Resizing and cropping images can be CPU-intensive. Moreover, it is a good idea to to data augmentation on this dataset e.g. add rotations, distortions, etc. to make sure the network doesn’t overfit. By default these operations are done in the same process that controls the training on the GPU (or CPU) which means that during the data processing no training is happening and vice versa. This isn’t very efficient! Fuel has a “data server” which allows you to run training and data preprocessing/augmentation in parallel. Have a look at the tutorial here.

Vocal Synthesis Project: Spiritual Ascension Music

The second dataset is a 3 hour long audio track from a YouTube video. For this too a Fuel wrapper is available, but you’ll need to make sure to install the Python module pafy (use pip install pafy) and the ffmpeg package.

On Linux you can probably use e.g. sudo apt-get install ffmpeg or yum install ffmpeg depending on your platform, while on OS X it’s probably easiest to use Homebrew (brew install ffmpeg). There are also Windows builds available.

fuel-download youtube_audio --youtube-id XqaJ2Ol5cC4
fuel-convert youtube_audio --youtube-id XqaJ2Ol5cC4

If you can’t manage to install ffmpeg, you can also download the HDF5 file directly from Dropbox and simply place it in your Fuel data path. (The WAVE file is also available.)

from fuel.datasets.youtube_audio import YouTubeAudio
data = YouTubeAudio('XqaJ2Ol5cC4')
stream = data.get_example_stream()
it = stream.get_epoch_iterator()
sequence = next(it)

Note that this gives you the entire sequence as one batch. During training, you probably want to split up the sequence in smaller subsequences e.g. of length N, to avoid running out of memory. To do this you will need to implement a Fuel transformer.


  • Even if you don’t use Blocks in order to construct your model, be sure to look at its implementations of e.g. the LSTM and GRU units; it’s easy to get wrong!
  • If you want to get started on a Fuel transformer that produces sets of subsequences, have a look at the NGrams transformer. Discussion on how to do this exactly is ongoing on this pull request.

65 thoughts on “Getting started

  1. Melvin Wong says:

    If you’re using Blocks, be sure to manually upgrade Theano (to version 0.8) via git. If you’re using Theano 0.7 from Anaconda, batch_normalization is not implemented yet, causing some errors from bricks.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It seems that the cats and dogs dataset is not one of fuel’s built-in datasets ( it is not there when I typed in the command fuel-download -h). What should we do in this case ?


  3. julienstpf says:

    One can read that ”there is currently no transformer in Fuel that resizes images to a fixed size (i.e. make sure that the shortest size is N pixels)”, but there is transformer called RandomFixedSizeCrop which can do some random crops on images. I’m not sure to see what is meant by ”resize” if it is not about cropping. Do you mean resizing all images to smallest image size? Thanks!


    • bartvanmerrienboer says:

      RandomFixedSizeCrop will take a random crop of the image. This crop needs to be smaller than all images e.g. you cannot take 64 x 64 crops if there’s a single image that is 63 x 80.

      Luckily there is the MinimumImageDimensions transformer, which will upscale smaller images to have a minimum size. However, it won’t downscale larger pictures. That means that for small images your crops are very large and will probably contain a large part of the dog or cat (which is probably what you want). However, since the large images weren’t downscaled, your 64 x 64 crop might only contain a whisker, ear or background for a 2000 x 2000 picture.

      Hence, it’s worth considering scaling all your images so that the smallest side is N pixels, and then take crops of M x M (where M <= N). This way your crop is most likely to contain a large part of the cat/dog.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I do not know after I download youtube files (it is ok), but when I am trying to convert it, I get error: fuel-convert youtube_audio –youtube-id XqaJ2Ol5cC4
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “/home2/ift6ed05/anaconda2/bin/fuel-convert”, line 9, in
    load_entry_point(‘fuel==0.1.1’, ‘console_scripts’, ‘fuel-convert’)()
    File “/home2/ift6ed05/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fuel/bin/”, line 69, in main
    output_paths = convert_function(**args_dict)
    File “/home2/ift6ed05/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fuel/converters/”, line 38, in convert_youtube_audio
    ffmpeg_not_available =[‘ffmpeg’, ‘-version’])
    File “/home2/ift6ed05/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/”, line 522, in call
    return Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs).wait()
    File “/home2/ift6ed05/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/”, line 710, in __init__
    errread, errwrite)
    File “/home2/ift6ed05/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/”, line 1335, in _execute_child
    raise child_exception
    OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory


      • Thanks, I forgot to install ffmpeg, as I am using a machine which I do not have right to sudo or as a root, it gives me error when I am using yum install ffmpeg:Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit
        You need to be root to perform this command.
        And I can not do sudo apt-get insatll ffmpeg.


    • melvinwong6266 says:

      you could download and install ffmpeg into your home folder, this way you have permissions over the files.

      tar -xf ffmpeg-2.8.6.tar.bz2
      cd ffmpeg-2.8.6
      ./configure –prefix=”$HOME/ffmpeg” –disable-yasm
      make install

      Then add the line ‘export PATH=”$PATH:$HOME/ffmpeg/bin” ‘ without ‘ quote to the end of ~/.bashrc, then re-login terminal

      Let me know if it works


      • After I do make, I get this error
        Makefile:2: config.mak: No such file or directory
        Makefile:62: /common.mak: No such file or directory
        Makefile:104: /libavutil/Makefile: No such file or directory
        Makefile:104: /library.mak: No such file or directory
        Makefile:106: /doc/Makefile: No such file or directory
        Makefile:189: /tests/Makefile: No such file or directory
        make: *** No rule to make target `/tests/Makefile’. Stop.


      • bartvanmerrienboer says:

        These errors seems to suggest that it simply can’t find the Makefile. Did you run the ./configure command successfully? Are you sure you successfully did cd ffmpeg-2.8.6?

        Note that if you can’t manage to install Ffmpeg you can always just download the HDF5 file directly.


      • After I run ./configure, I get this error, yes I am in that folder, and where can I download hdf5 file directly?
        ./configure –prefix=”$HOME/ffmpeg” –disable-yasm
        Unknown option “–prefix=”/Users/chendanlan/ffmpeg””.
        See ./configure –help for available options.


      • bartvanmerrienboer says:

        Note that the flag is --prefix and not -prefix (WordPress probably turned -- into –).

        The link to the file is both in the “Getting Started” instructions, and in the comment I just made.


    • bartvanmerrienboer says:

      As said on the Getting Started page:

      As such, we don’t expect you to use [Blocks].

      You can use any package you want, or not use a package at all (and just write Theano).


  5. @Bart, Hello Bart, I have a question about installing anaconda or any other software in the remote machine at I don’t know if the anaconda or numpy+theano is already installed in the student accounts. Because when I type python, in the terminal and import numpy or anaconda, the python responded that these packages are not installed. When I try sudo apt-get install xxxx. It said that I should use sudo very responsibly, but at the end it returned error saying that I’m not o n the sudo-er list…Finally I downloaded the source code and uploaded it on the remote machine and tried python install, it tried to compile but at last told me error: could not create ‘/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/numpy’: Permission denied.

    I would like to know how do we install software (especially anaconda and then…) on those remote machines? Do we have sudo rights? Thanks


    • melvinwong6266 says:

      Install anaconda using bart’s video instruction. Follow it exactly. It should be installed in your /home/ dir. you can check which python you’re using with the command

      which python

      it should give you a path to your anaconda install in your own dir. eg.



  6. melvinwong6266 says:

    how do we “save” our output from our classification? in a hdf5 file? if so, do we need to convert the hdf5 file back to an audio file?


    • bartvanmerrienboer says:

      We use HDF5 files to store datasets because they have efficient tools for e.g. caching when things don’t fit into memory. For your samples/predictions you can use whatever format is easiest for you e.g. .npz or .npz files work as well.

      If you think your samples are good, then of course it would be interesting to convert it back into a wave file to see what it sounds like. As a first step plot your samples though and see if they look like wave signals at all.


    • Hi Melvin,
      I used

      from fuel.datasets.youtube_audio import YouTubeAudio
      data = YouTubeAudio(‘XqaJ2Ol5cC4’)
      stream = data.get_example_stream()
      it = stream.get_epoch_iterator()
      sequence = next(it)
      newsample = sequence[0][:60000]“newsample.wav”, 44100, newsample)


  7. How can we interact with an dataset object to get to get the names of the sources. I tried DogsVsCats.sources but it returns an inscrutable answer

    Let’s say I have imported the dataset

    from fuel.datasets.dogs_vs_cats import DogsVsCats

    and I want to find find out what are the sources available and how they are called. That is I want to have a summary of the data (what are the dimensions and names of the datasets and so on ). I couldn’t find any documentation on this.


    • bartvanmerrienboer says:

      You need to check the .sources attribute on the instance, not on the class:

      >>> dogs_vs_cats = DogsVsCats(('train',))
      >>> dogs_vs_cats.sources
      ('image_features', 'targets')
      >>> dogs_vs_cats.num_examples
      >>> first_image, first_target = dogs_vs_cats.get_data(None, 0) 
      >>> image_batch, targets_batch = dogs_vs_cats.get_data(None, slice(0, 32))

      If you want access to the actual HDF5 handle you’ll need to dig a little deeper. You’ll find that the images are stored as a list of vectors with their shapes stored separately.

      >>> f = dogs_vs_cats._file_handle
      >>> first_image_data = f['image_features'][0]
      >>> first_image_shape = f['image_features_shapes'][0]
      >>> first_image = first_image_data.reshape(first_image_shape)


      • Once we have defined a data stream, how can we interact with the data generated from the stream? I have written a stream that upscales images as they comes, based on the introductory code, but am having difficulty generating images from the stream.

        This is my code:

        Load the training set

        train = DogsVsCats((‘train’,), subset=slice(0, 20000))

        We now create a “stream” over the dataset which will return shuffled batches

        of size 128. Using the DataStream.default_stream constructor will turn our

        8-bit images into floating-point decimals in [0, 1].

        stream = DataStream.default_stream(
        iteration_scheme=ShuffledScheme(train.num_examples, 128)

        Our images are of different sizes, so we’ll use a Fuel transformer

        to upscale the smaller images to be of minimum size (512 x 512)

        upscale_stream = MinimumImageDimensions(stream, (512,512), which_sources=(‘image_features’,))

        Let’s say I want to load the first batch of 128 examples to check whether upscaling is performed correctly,how would I go about doing that?

        Also, how can we format python code snippets nicely in WordPress blog entries ?


      • bartvanmerrienboer says:

        I enabled Markdown support for formatting Python code.

        Please have a look at the Fuel documentation. You could use something like iterator = upscale_stream.get_epoch_iterator() and then batch = next(it) to get the first batch.

        Note however that what you’re trying to do won’t work. Datastream.default_stream will turn the images into floating point numbers, and MinimumImageDimensions doesn’t like that. For a detailed explanation, see this issue.


    • bartvanmerrienboer says:

      This looks like you didn’t install Fuel correctly. Upon installation there are Cython extensions that should have been compiled, which didn’t seem to have happened here. Try reinstalling Fuel, or if you installed it by just adding to PYTHONPATH then build the Cython extensions in-place.


  8. Did anyone working on the DogsVsCats project encounter something similar ? Can you try to explain what is happening?

    I set up a data stream to get batches of images from DogsVsCats. Then I used the following code to time how much time it takes to get a batch from the stream over an epoch.

    <br />import timeit
    start_time = timeit.default_timer()
    for x,y in data_stream.get_epoch_iterator()
        start_time = timeit.default_timer()

    And I got something like this as time between each batch:


    At the beginning of the iteration it was fast and then all of a sudden it hit a wall and became really slow.

    I am not using DataServerStream so there shouldn’t be any buffer issue there.


    • bartvanmerrienboer says:

      This question is nearly impossible to answer without more information.

      Are there other processes running that could be in the way? Are the images of the slow batches bigger perhaps, so that resizing and/or cropping takes more time? Are you running out of memory, causing your computer to start swapping?

      You could try running your script with python -m cProfile -o profile.log <script> and then use pstats to check the results to see what function exactly is being slow. More information is in the Python documentation.


      • I got rid of the slowdown by moving fuel_data to /scratch.

        Now I encountered another problem. When I am getting data from machine A it takes around 0.2 seconds per batch, but when I run the same script to get data from machine B it takes almost 10 times as much time; and I am not running a data server. How do I diagnose the reason for the difference ? It seems like both machines have about the same resources available.

        On machine A the cpu is
        model name : AMD Opteron(TM) Processor 6274

        On machine B the cpu is
        model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz


  9. Jonathan says:

    The Doc for class blocks.bricks.conv.ConvolutionalSequence(*args, **kwargs) says that parameter layers (list) – List of convolutional bricks (i.e. Convolutional, ConvolutionalActivation, or Pooling bricks) can be inputted (

    When I try to import ConvolutionActivation though I get ImportError: cannot import name ConvolutionalActivation. How can I use ConvolutionActivation?


  10. Just double checking… for the dogs vs cats project, the testing set is useless for the purpose of evaluating our model since it seems to not be labelled… we should then split the training set into training, validation and testing data?


    • bartvanmerrienboer says:

      You can obtain results on the test set by submitting your predictions on the Kaggle page.

      Note that theoretically speaking you should only have to evaluate on the test set once at the end of your project. Any other evaluation that is used for model evaluation should be done on the validation set (which you should create yourself by taking a subset of the provided training data).

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Jonathan says:

    Has anyone gotten the following error when using Random2DRotation fuel image transformer (my code works with other fuel transformers):
      File "/Users/jonat/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/blocks/", line 197, in run
      File "/Users/jonat/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/blocks/utils/", line 258, in reraise_as
        six.reraise(type(new_exc), new_exc, orig_exc_traceback)
      File "/Users/jonat/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/blocks/", line 183, in run
        while self._run_epoch():
      File "/Users/jonat/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/blocks/", line 230, in _run_epoch
      File "/Users/jonat/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/blocks/", line 263, in _run_extensions
        extension.dispatch(CallbackName(method_name), *args)
      File "/Users/jonat/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/blocks/extensions/", line 338, in dispatch, *(from_main_loop + tuple(arguments)))
      File "/Users/jonat/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/blocks/extensions/", line 79, in do
        value_dict = self._evaluator.evaluate(self.data_stream)
      File "/Users/jonat/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/blocks/monitoring/", line 330, in evaluate
        for batch in data_stream.get_epoch_iterator(as_dict=True):
      File "/Users/jonat/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 535, in next
        return type(self).next(self)
      File "/Users/jonat/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fuel/", line 32, in next
        data = self.data_stream.get_data()
      File "/Users/jonat/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fuel/transformers/", line 138, in get_data
        data = next(self.child_epoch_iterator)
      File "/Users/jonat/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 535, in next
        return type(self).next(self)
      File "/Users/jonat/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fuel/", line 32, in next
        data = self.data_stream.get_data()
      File "/Users/jonat/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fuel/transformers/", line 138, in get_data
        data = next(self.child_epoch_iterator)
      File "/Users/jonat/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 535, in next
        return type(self).next(self)
      File "/Users/jonat/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fuel/", line 32, in next
        data = self.data_stream.get_data()
      File "/Users/jonat/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fuel/transformers/", line 138, in get_data
        data = next(self.child_epoch_iterator)
      File "/Users/jonat/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 535, in next
        return type(self).next(self)
      File "/Users/jonat/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fuel/", line 32, in next
        data = self.data_stream.get_data()
      File "/Users/jonat/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fuel/transformers/", line 151, in get_data
        return self.transform_batch(data)
      File "/Users/jonat/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fuel/transformers/", line 289, in transform_batch
        data=batch, method=self.transform_source_batch)
      File "/Users/jonat/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fuel/transformers/", line 250, in _apply_sourcewise_transformation
        data[i] = method(data[i], source_name)
      File "/Users/jonat/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fuel/transformers/", line 335, in transform_source_batch
        for im, angle in zip(source, rotation_angles)]
      File "/Users/jonat/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fuel/transformers/", line 365, in _example_transform
        im = Image.fromarray(example.transpose(1, 2, 0))
      File "/Users/jonat/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/PIL/", line 2153, in fromarray
        raise TypeError("Cannot handle this data type")
    TypeError: Cannot handle this data type


    • bartvanmerrienboer says:

      Is it perhaps this issue? The Random2DRotation transformer requires images as inputs, so you can’t convert the data to floating point numbers. The DogsVsCats dataset does this when you use the default_stream constructor, so if you want to use these transformers you can’t use it. You need to use the DataStream constructor directly and scale the data manually afterwards using the ScaleAndShift transformer.


  12. Any hints on how to solve this problem?…

    TypeError: Variables do not support boolean operations. This can happen if you do a logical operation between a numpy.ndarray and a Theano tensorvariable. Due to NumPy implementation before NumPy 1.8, we
    cannot make the Python syntax work when the ndarray is on the left, and this results in this error. To work around that,
    either call theano.tensor.{lt,le,eq,ne,gt,ge}(ndarray, tensor), or use the Python syntax with the Theano tensor on the
    left. Or update to NumPy 1.8 or above.

    I have python 1.10.4

    Thank you!


  13. Statistical questions:
    I’ve split the audio data into train, test, and val sets, and subtracted the mean of the training set from each of them.

    I normalized the training set based on the range of the training set, and for the test and val sets, normalized on whichever range was larger between it and the train.

    In this case and in general, say for the test set, would it make sense to subtract something like the mean(mean_train, mean_test), and normalize based on
    (And correspondingly for the validation)?

    So you’re not leaking information from the test/val to the train, and you’re taking information about the train into account, but also considering that there may have been some bias in your test/validation data that you want to correct for. Likewise for the range; instead of taking the larger of the two as I did, is there some more intelligent way to do both of these things?

    Maybe it doesn’t really make a difference; these preprocessing steps just feel hacky to me.


    • bartvanmerrienboer says:

      I’ve actually always just used the mean and variance of the training set to normalize the validation and test set. I actually have no idea what the convention is on using the statistics of the validation/test sets directly, but part of me feels it’s cheating a bit: In a real-world setting you might get the test samples one at a time, so you wouldn’t be able to calculate statistics over the entire test set before classifying your first sample.


  14. melvinwong6266 says:

    Something interesting going on here:
    when I uploaded my generated audio to youtube, youtube flagged it and gave me a copyright violation notice of the original Spiritual Ascension training audio. Does this mean that youtube’s algorithm matched my generated audio to be “similar” to the training audio? which mean I might be heading in the right direction? 😛


  15. I’ve been trying to manage to use the lenet convolutional neural network code (deeplearning tutorial). For some reason, training is only possible when the feature dimension used is 784, same used for mnist. Attempting to use any other dimensionality will provide – ValueError Shape mismatch – x has 16200 cols (and 500 rows) but y has 800 rows (and 500 cols). The same error occurs independently of the the dataset (Mnist or DogsvsCats seem to raise the same issue). Any thoughts on how to remove this constraint regarding the feature dimensionality?


  16. Jonathan says:

    I am trying to view results but I can’t!!

    While using

    extensions.append(Checkpoint(“CatVsDog_model1.pkl”, after_epoch=True, after_training=True, save_separately=[‘log’]))

    I am getting

    Original exception:
    TypeError: can’t pickle generator objects

    Has anyone else gotten this error?



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