
Getting started with the data for class project

I added a page to the menu (under project description) to help people get started with loading and playing with the data for the class projects using Fuel, and a quick example of training a neural network on this data using Blocks. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment on the page.


Lecture 8, Feb. 1st, 2016: Convolutional Neural Networks I

In this lecture, we will discuss the architecture responsible for virtually all the successes of deep learning in computer vision: the convolutional neural network.

Please study the following material in preparation for the class:

Other relevant material:


Lecture 7, Jan. 28th, 2016: Neural Networks, Odds and Ends

In this lecture, we will conclude our discussion of the standard multi-layer perceptron.

Please study the following material in preparation for the class:

Other relevant material:


Lecture 4, Jan. 18, 2016

Lecture 4 will start with Bart’s tutorial on github and introduction to Theano.

Then we will have our first discussion session (i.e. flipped class). Please study the following material in preparation for the discussion:

Please post questions for the discussion (we will cover all comments to Lectures 1-4).

Also, we can also cover background material (by request):

  • Chapters 1-5 of a book draft on Deep Learning,  by Yoshua Bengio, Ian Goodfellow and Aaron Courville.




Notebook NumPy/Python intro

During the introduction in class I forgot to mention Jupyter notebooks. (Commonly known as IPython notebooks, which is the old name of this project.) They can be a great way of organising your Python code for e.g. assignments, allowing you to mix Python code, graphs and text, and repeatedly changing and executing Python code while maintaining a global state.

If you installed Python using Anaconda you already have Jupyter, and you can simply start it by typing jupyter notebook on the command line. If you installed Python in another way, you might need to install it first using pip install jupyter.

I uploaded the notebook (PDF) used in class that contained the introduction to NumPy and Python.
